Can you feel it? Spring is finally here!
While nature is making way for a fresh start, the rest of us are gearing up for spring cleaning. This means something different for everyone, from dusting to clearing out closets. At Atagi Plastic Surgery and Skin Aesthetics, it might involve taking a closer look at your health, specifically your hormone levels.
Hormones affect your health in ways you may not realize. Testosterone and estrogen are primary helpers in maintaining your energy and mood while also regulating sex drive, sleep patterns, and much more. To help you achieve balance and optimal health both inside and out, we offer screening, expert consultation, and treatment for hormone deficiencies. In the event a hormonal imbalance is detected, we can help to restore balance with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and supplements.
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy refers to hormonal supplements that have the same molecular structure as the naturally-occurring hormones in your body. Conversely, traditional hormone replacement therapy uses synthetic hormones, which have a similar but different molecular structure and are associated with numerous undesirable side effects. To ensure the most accurate diagnosis and effective treatment, we also examine your body’s levels of essential nutrients, such as B12 and Vitamin D. No matter what your needs are, we can help you to reclaim your balance and vitality.
Could hormones be undermining your health? To learn more, call 303.327.7300 or click here to request a consultation today.