Why yes, we believe it can!
We’re happy to report that feeling thankful offers a surprising array of health and beauty benefits, including:
Keeping you more active and happier
● In one study conducted by two psychologists, Dr. Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, Davis, and Dr. Michael E. McCullough of the University of Miami, three groups of people were compared: one group was asked to write about things they were grateful for; another, about daily irritations; while the third “neutral” group wrote about things that affected them, with no emphasis on positive or negative. After 10 weeks, the group that wrote about gratitude reported feeling more optimistic and better about their lives. They also exercised more and had fewer doctor visits than the group that wrote about annoyances.
● In another study of 411 people, Dr. Martin E. P. Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, compared the effects of various “psychology interventions.” When the week’s assignment was to write and deliver a letter of gratitude to someone, the participants showed an immediate and drastic increase in happiness scores. This impact was greater and longer lasting than any other “intervention” the participants had experienced, lasting up to a month!
Helping you enjoy a clearer, brighter complexion
Research also indicates that people who feel more gratitude report better moods, improved sleep and lower stress levels, all of which can influence the look of our skin. Let’s start with stress. We all know from experience just how powerfully stress can impact our skin, causing breakouts at the most inopportune times. Research shows that feeling stress releases inflammatory markers within our body, triggering a cascade of inflammatory responses, from acne to redness. Lack of sleep is another big beauty saboteur. With all these factors in mind, it makes perfect sense to conclude that feeling gratitude can result in better-looking skin. When you’re feeling better and less stressed and you’re sleeping better, chances are pretty good that you’re also looking better! (This is obviously not an exact science, but you get the drift!)
More on boosting your beauty quotient with gratitude
Think back to a day when you were feeling super awesome about life and yourself. You walked taller and with a pep in your step. You felt like you could take on any challenge with moxie and when you looked in the mirror, you glowed with confidence. Positive psychology research shows that when you’re experiencing this kind of day, your body is releasing endorphins, or feel-good hormones, which can positively impact your body in countless ways, helping to lower inflammation, boost healing and increase blood flow. You might notice this as rosier cheeks, but you can thank gratitude for your glow!
So, what are you feeling grateful about this year? At Atagi Plastic Surgery and Skin Aesthetics, we are thankful for YOU, our amazing patients! Thank you for entrusting us with your health and beauty! We are privileged to work with you every day!
To learn more about skin tightening, please call us to schedule your personal consultation at 303.327.7300 or request a consultation today! Happy Thanksgiving!