Last week, we discussed the negative effects that low testosterone, or testosterone imbalance, can have on your waistline. But this isn’t the only type of hormone imbalance that can wreak havoc on your effort to stay slim.
The role of thyroid hormones is also paramount when it comes to the battle of the bulge. The thyroid gland, the butterfly shaped organ at the base of your throat, is responsible for regulating the body’s metabolism — and, if yours is under producing like millions of other Americans, you may be hypothyroid.
Some symptoms of hypothyroidism may include fatigue, hair loss, dry hair, skin and nails, weight gain, depression, constipation, chronic fatigue and cold extremities, hands and feet. The effects of low thyroid hormones can dramatically impact your quality of life and, unfortunately, it can be difficult to get an accurate diagnosis when it comes to this health condition.
That is because you can still receive a “normal” thyroid test back while still suffering from hypothyroidism, and it could be the hidden reason weight loss is impossible, despite diet and exercise. This unfortunate phenomenon is known as thyroid resistance, or type 2 hypothyroid.
This means that the thyroid is producing hormones but the body tissue has become resistant to them. Many of our Denver patients, suffering from all the symptoms of hypothyroidism, have gone elsewhere to have their thyroid hormones tested only to be told they are “normal.”
However, as board-certified Denver plastic surgeon, Dr. Tanya Atagi, says: “Normal is not always optimal when it comes to hormones and thyroid. Every individual is different and often times, this mandates a deeper look into the signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance, as well as treatment like BioTE bio-identical hormone replacement.”
To learn more about BioTE and how it can alleviate the signs and symptoms of thyroid conditions like hypothyroid, visit