We have exciting news for the Denver area! Atagi Plastic Surgery & Atagi Skin Aesthetics is now offering the latest and greatest wrinkle reducer injectable available in the Unites States!
It’s called Xeomin® and it has been popular in Europe since 2005. The F.D.A. recently approved it for use in The United States so now Dr. Atagi can offer an alternative to Botox®.
Dr. Atagi explains, “Xeomin® is the most advanced wrinkle reducer on the market today. It’s similar to Botox in many ways. Xeomin is a neurotoxin like Botox so it weakens or inactivates the wrinkle causing muscle, shares the exact same protein as Botox but has some additional benefits.”
Xeomin differs from Botox in the following ways:
Xeomin is “Naked”: Xeomin contains none of the additives that Botox contains. So what, right? Well, these additives can result in a resistance (your bodies produces antibodies to ward off the additives which are foreign entities) to Botox. Over time, results become less apparent and can last for shorter and shorter periods of time. Xeomin does not have additives. It’s totally “naked” so your body accepts it and you will enjoy the same level of results time after time.
Xeomin May Last Longer: Some studies show that the results from Xeomin may last longer than Botox – saving you money in the long run.
As always, give Atagi Plastic Surgery & Atagi Skin Aesthetics a call to learn more about Xeomin, wrinkle reducers or other cosmetic treatments and procedures at 303.327.7300 or visit atagimd.com.